A Learning Process

Normally, each morning I can't wait to read the Wall Street Journal's opinion pieces, hoping to learn more about news events that may not be captured in the regular news sources.  Or, to get a point of view that you rarely see in mainstream media.  This morning, I simply passed it by.

Somehow after the lies and misrepresentations in yesterday's WSJ editorial entitled "Virginia Fracas," I don't trust the WSJ any more.  Virtually, every paragraph of the "VF" article was an apparently deliberate attempt to distort what is really happening at UVA to fit a narrow political agenda.  Shame on WSJ.  I doubt that I will have any interest in perusing the WSJ editorial page in the future.  I simply don't think the WSJ can be trusted to be truthful when they have a political point to make.

You live and learn.


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