Revised EPF approved funds effective 1 Sept 2010

Effective 1 September 2010, there are 223 unit trust funds approved under the EPF Members Investment Scheme (EPF-MIS). The list of EPF approved funds is updated upon conducting the fund evaluation exercise based on EPF-MIS fund evaluation methodology (FEM).

Under the FEM, funds must meet the set standard criteria, including:-
  1. At least 3-years track records
  2. Have investment mandate of not exceeding 30% in overseas assets
  3. Consistency in return performance among peers/ with benchmark
How frequent will it be reviewed?
By using an international research house rating data as input in the assessment and evaluation of funds, the exercise will be conducted once a year. 

Suspended Funds?
Funds that underperformed their peers will be suspended, until they are qualified to be reinstated. Suspended funds are not allowed to received new investment under the EPF-MIS, yet investments made by investors prior to the suspension are nevertheless allowed to remain in the funds.

Suspended Funds are loss-making funds?
Not necessary. FEM is just a measure of relative performance, as suspended funds may still generate strong profits, but not as high as their peers.

Please click "EPF approved funds" for the list of 223 funds.

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