Budget 2011: Price of Mobile Phone to DROP?

Yahoooo!!! Budget 2011 announced that ordinary phones would be exempted from the 10% sales tax. Yes, we can expect that the prices of mobile phones to drop a little bit, although not much, especially for first time buyers.

Would iPhone and other smart-phone's prices drops?
To be exact, the removal of sales tax is only meant for "ordinary phones", not smart-phones, as the latter already DO NOT have any sales tax. So sorry for those iPhone seekers out there.

For me, this will only benefiting those low income earners. Yet, I strongly agree with it. Instead, the 10% sales tax removal should first be on ordinary phones in the first place (anyway, now is not too late).

In today's era of connectivity and popular usage of social media (etc. Facebook, Twitter...), smart-phones and those with Internet applications, was the preferred choice for many of us. Thus, I do not view this announcement as a gift to many of us. What a disappointed happiness for me.


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