March09: Singapore Dollar will fall in April ???

YES... Attention to all working adults in Singapore, especially Malaysians.

Now, im writting this in March 2009, and if this is true, it would be bad news for Malaysians in Singapore.
Bad news 1: Singapore in recession since 2008
Bad news 2: Retrenchment and salary-cut is going and on...
Bad news 3: Our hard earned $$$ are becoming lesser against USD

Below is the facts:
1. Singapore main revenue (export market) had fallen on a double-digit basis
2. Singapore government most likely will further lower already low interest rate to spur economy. In other meaning, not attactive to hold SGD.
3. Cost of pump-primming projects would widening the figure of budget deficit, which needs several years to recover.

Now, the FX rate is SGD 1 = RM 2.4, which is a good rate to convert it into RM.
So, it is time to move your SGD now.

Please take note of the DATE !!!


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